Klanten aan het woord
In plaats van zelf te vertellen hoe ik werk, laat ik liever mijn klanten aan het woord. Op deze pagina deel ik hun ervaringen, zodat je een goed beeld krijgt van wat de samenwerking met mij hen heeft opgeleverd. Zo kun je zelf bepalen of mijn aanpak aansluit bij wat jij wilt of nodig hebt.
Before working with Eefke, I reached a point where I needed guidance in my leadership. I felt stuck and realized I couldn’t navigate certain challenges alone, so I decided to seek her help.
Eefke creates a space where you feel completely safe and supported. She has a unique way of allowing you to fully express yourself, helping you tap into your strengths without fear or hesitation. Her approach is gentle yet effective, and her wisdom offered fresh insights into how I could lead more effectively. Every session felt like real progress.
Since working with Eefke, I’ve gained clarity and direction in both my leadership and personal life. She helped me understand how to navigate difficult decisions and challenges with more confidence and purpose. I now approach my leadership role with greater assurance and focus.
Sarah McD, Puma
Eefke heeft me geholpen om de manier waarop ik mezelf begrijp en met mezelf omga te transformeren. Ze begeleidde me bij het ontdekken van een dieper bewustzijn van mijn sterke punten en emoties en liet me zien hoe die mijn dagelijks leven vormgeven. Door haar coaching ben ik weer op één lijn gekomen met mijn kernwaarden en heb ik geleerd trots te zijn op waar ik voor sta. Eefke’s inzichten in mijn professionele relaties waren van onschatbare waarde – ze gaf praktisch advies over hoe ik ze kon versterken en hoe ik met vertrouwen uitdagingen het hoofd kon bieden.
Op momenten van chaos is Eefke’s kalme en doordachte begeleiding een rustgevende kracht. Ik raad iedereen van harte aan om met haar samen te werken als ze op zoek zijn naar duidelijkheid en groei.
Hans, DHL
Before meeting Eefke, I was a typical, old-school leader, unaware of how much I was relying on force rather than insight to get things done. Empathy was a concept I hadn’t fully grasped, but it quickly became an essential skill as I learned the power of understanding human behavior and mindset.
Eefke didn’t just guide me—she created a space where I could explore my true leadership style without hesitation. Her ability to allow me to fully express myself without judgment was transformative. She became the catalyst for a significant shift in my perspective.
Now, instead of muscling through challenges, I lead with clarity, empathy, and confidence. The progress I’ve made is undeniable, and Eefke played a key role in that transformation.
Ninh H– Supply Chain Manager Saitex
Eefke is an exceptional professional development coach who creates an environment of trust that fosters both creativity and meaningful behavioral change. She is deeply committed to helping individuals grow and realize their full potential, while also continuously developing her own skills and knowledge in the process.
Her coaching style is flexible and adaptive, covering a wide range of leadership and personal development needs. Eefke brings energy, passion, and a professional approach to every situation. In our experience, she was especially effective in coaching multiple individuals simultaneously within our organization, bringing out the best in each one.
I highly recommend Eefke to any team or individual seeking greater self-awareness, transformation, or simply wanting to explore leadership on a deeper level. Personally, her coaching has been invaluable during my transition from a technical role to an operational leadership position as a Project Manager. Eefke’s guidance has not only transformed how I lead at work, but also how I approach challenges in my personal life, opening doors to personal growth that will remain with me for life.
Tomaso Andreatta, Coca Cola
Sinds ik met Eefke werk, heb ik ongelooflijke veranderingen in mijn leven ervaren – veranderingen die ik nooit voor mogelijk had gehouden. De excuses waar ik ooit zo op leunde, begonnen onbeduidend te voelen en veel gemakkelijker te overwinnen. Deze nieuwe helderheid en motivatie hebben me gestimuleerd om nog meer doelen en uitdagingen voor mezelf te stellen, iets wat ik in het verleden nooit zou hebben overwogen.
Johan, Manager Gemeente Arnhem
Ik realiseerde me dat ik niet vast hoef te zitten aan het verleden of mijn opvoeding. Door bewust te werken aan mijn manier van denken en het vormgeven van mijn eigen identiteit, heb ik een ingrijpende verandering doorgemaakt. Oude patronen heb ik achter me gelaten, en nu sta ik sterker en zelfverzekerder in mijn rol als doelgerichte ondernemer.
Brigit , SAP
When I started leadership coaching with Eefke, I was struggling both personally and professionally. Her insightful and supportive guidance marked a real turning point for me. Eefke created a space where I felt fully understood and trusted, which allowed me to open up about the core issues I was facing. She struck a perfect balance—kind when I needed encouragement, and firm when I needed direction.
Her follow-ups were always thoughtful and actionable, providing me with clear steps to take while keeping sight of my bigger life goals. Thanks to Eefke, I’ve come out of a difficult period with renewed focus, and her advice continues to shape the path I’m on today. I wholeheartedly recommend Eefke to anyone looking for transformative leadership coaching.
Shekhar B, Lazada
When I started leadership coaching with Eefke, I was struggling both personally and professionally. Her insightful and supportive guidance marked a real turning point for me. Eefke created a space where I felt fully understood and trusted, which allowed me to open up about the core issues I was facing. She struck a perfect balance—kind when I needed encouragement, and firm when I needed direction.
Her follow-ups were always thoughtful and actionable, providing me with clear steps to take while keeping sight of my bigger life goals. Thanks to Eefke, I’ve come out of a difficult period with renewed focus, and her advice continues to shape the path I’m on today. I wholeheartedly recommend Eefke to anyone looking for transformative leadership coaching.
Shekhar B, Lazada
Een greep uit de organisaties waarvoor ik gewerkt heb