How to Use Your Subconscious Mind to Achieve Your Goals

How to Use Your Subconscious Mind to Achieve Your Goals

You want to achieve your goals, but you don't know how. You've tried all the self-help books and techniques, but nothing seems to work. Sometimes, the answer is as simple as exposing yourself to new ideas and new perspectives. The subconscious mind is incredibly...

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The Truth About Changing Your Automatic Behaviour

The Truth About Changing Your Automatic Behaviour

It can be difficult to change our automatic behavior, especially if it's something we've been doing for a long time. For me, I used to automatically stay quiet whenever someone cut in front of me in line at the bakery. I knew it was my turn, but I didn't want to cause...

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Bore Out – What is it, symptoms & treatment – Eefke Bodt

Bore Out – What is it, symptoms & treatment – Eefke Bodt

Ever get so bored at work that you feel like your brain is turning to mush? If so, you may be experiencing "bore-out." This phenomenon, which is similar to burnout, occurs when workers are so bored and unengaged with their jobs that they start to experience negative...

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I Am Insecure I am insecure. I feel like I'm not good enough, that I'll never be good enough. I worry about what other people think of me, and I constantly compare myself to others. I feel like I'm always falling short, and it's just a matter of time until everyone...

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What Is Boreout? And How Can I Beat it for Good?

What Is Boreout? And How Can I Beat it for Good?

You’ve probably heard of ‘burnout’ — you may have suffered with it. But this unpleasant condition’s little cousin is called ‘boreout’, and it can be just as debilitating. But there’s good news. The fatigue, anxiety, stress and confusion caused by boreout aren’t...

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A Guide to Burnout: What Is it and How Do I Beat It?

A Guide to Burnout: What Is it and How Do I Beat It?

The term ‘burnout’ is used with increasing these days, but what does it really mean? And is there anything you can do about it? The good news is that there are mental and mindset techniques that can address the root causes of burnout. The first step towards recovery...

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Making Yourself Happen – How to Regain Control of Your Life

Making Yourself Happen – How to Regain Control of Your Life

Taking control of your mind means taking control of your life. But it doesn’t have to be as challenging as you think. During one of my travels, I thought about what my clients had in common. And I realized that it came down to two words: Finding yourself. Sometimes,...

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5 Mind Hacks to Make You More Productive

5 Mind Hacks to Make You More Productive

A lot of people feel that they don’t have time to get too many things done. Before you think that, however, take a look at what you can do to increase your productivity. Read about 5 mind hacks to make you more productive. Have you ever felt as if you weren’t up to...

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How the Environment and Your Body’s Memory Impact You

How the Environment and Your Body’s Memory Impact You

Do you know why you’re the way you are? Whatever events led to your current identity, know that it’s not too late to change them. Who are you? It may sound easy to answer, but you may not want to just say the first thing that comes to your mind. Think it through....

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The Wealthy Prince Story (And Your Path to Self Development)

The Wealthy Prince Story (And Your Path to Self Development)

It’s tough to battle negative voices while journeying to reach your dreams. But you mustn’t let others challenge your capacities.  There’s something revolutionary that I picked up in my self-development quest! It’s something that is so raw, unique, and groundbreaking...

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Making Yourself Happen – How to Regain Control of Your Life

Making Yourself Happen – How to Regain Control of Your Life

Taking control of your mind means taking control of your life. But it doesn’t have to be as challenging as you think. During one of my travels, I thought about what my clients had in common. And I realized that it came down to two words: Finding yourself. Sometimes,...

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Things don’t make you happy

Things don’t make you happy

People tend to think that possessing something or someone means happiness. It’s like that because of all the advertisements around us. Smiling people in bank ads make us think that a house loan is a shortcut to happiness. Car advertisements make sure that our brain...

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Hoe kan ik rust in mijn hoofd creëren met mindfulness

Hoe kan ik rust in mijn hoofd creëren met mindfulness

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De kracht van je gedachten

Gedachten bepalen letterlijk de kwaliteit van je leven. De vraag is: ondersteunen ze je of zitten ze je in de weg?  Realiseer dat Jij kunt meer dan je denkt Je eigen krachten herkennen kan nog al ingewikkeld zijn. Vaak hebben we dat stemmetje in ons achterhoofd dat...

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wat is Hypnotherapie en NLP

wat is Hypnotherapie en NLP

Heb je bepaalde angsten? Slaap je slecht, of heb je een nerveus gevoel? Soms legt ons onderbewustzijn ons barrières op, door onbewuste gedachtes of gevoelens. Dit kun je veranderen. Want blijf jij denken, zoals je dacht, dan blijf je ook doen wat je altijd deed....

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Maak jij je vaak druk om wat anderen van je denken?

Maak jij je vaak druk om wat anderen van je denken?

Maak jij je vaak druk om wat anderen van je denken? De mening van anderen is niet meer dan een mening van ander' zei de Amerikaanse psycholoog Wayne Dyer. Nadenken over de mening van anderen De mens is een sociaal dier en kan niet volledig geïsoleerd van zijn...

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INCIDENTEN LOSLATEN OMDAT ZE JE VERLEDEN ZIJN Weet je dat veel van je beslissingen in het huidige leven gebaseerd zijn op je ervaringen in het verleden en je mentaliteit? Als iemand je lange tijd geleden iets heeft gezegd of gedaan, kun je jarenlang wrok blijven...

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Innerlijk ontdekkingsreis

Innerlijk ontdekkingsreis

Zou het niet geweldig zijn om een GPS te hebben die jouw ziel leidt? Nou, eigenlijk kan dat wel! Er zijn manieren waarop je jezelf door je leven kunt leiden, net zoals een GPS je op een autorit begeleidt. Het vinden van je passie is een van de grote sleutels tot het...

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De sleutel tot het kennen van je innerlijke zelf

De sleutel tot het kennen van je innerlijke zelf

"Alleen in het streven om onszelf te leren kennen en te begrijpen, heeft ons leven enige betekenis of waarde." - Socrates Vraag je je af wat de zin van jouw leven is? Het doel van ons leven en de reden van jouw bestaan? Weet je waarvoor je hier op aarde bent? Je zou...

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