Executive coach for leaders who want to grow and flourish

Leadership development for executives, management, and team leaders in the manufacturing industry

You lead in production or logistics, you enjoy the dynamics of your industry, but lately, you’ve noticed it’s getting harder to get your team moving.

You feel like you keep running into the same challenges:

  • You notice frequent disagreements and friction within your team, leading to conflicts and sometimes creating a negative undercurrent.
  • How can you increase your influence as a leader within your team or organization to achieve more for your team?
  • You feel like you’ve hit a ceiling—your team isn’t taking enough responsibility, leaving everything on your shoulders.
  • You know what the company needs, but you struggle to make an impact and drive change. You’re not being heard, there’s no budget, it’s not the right time, and leadership is focused on other things..
  • VMeetings often feel like a waste of time—people barely participate, making them feel highly inefficient and leaving you to take the stage every time.
  • You notice that changes are slow to take off because some team members cling to old habits, processes, and ways of working. It feels like you’re working against history.

There are times when things feel stuck, and you don’t see a way to break through because you keep reinforcing the same patterns—while you’d rather discover new possibilities to take your leadership to the next level.

So that you can:

  • Feel more grounded in your leadership and skills, standing strong with confidence, joy, and a sense of purpose
  • Know how to effectively handle resistance, underlying tensions, and political challenges.
  • Have the tools to re-inspire and motivate your team, leading to more engagement, initiative, improved collaboration, and better performance.
  • Stay calm and focused, even in hectic and complex situations.
  • Make impactful and confident decisions, guided by your intuition and values.

Leadership Coaching

Leadership coaching that inspires you as an executive to actually make the necessary changes. To transform yourself and your team while simultaneously improving performance, business results and continuing professional and personal development.


Team coaching gives you insight into how to work better together as a team. Teams that have a common goal and are well aligned perform better. They work together toward the same goal and have a strong sense of ownership.

Free E- Book

Gain practical insights and valuable leadership lessons with this e-book—created for leaders who want to grow and tackle challenges effectively.

Download your copy now and start applying strategies that strengthen your leadership and team dynamics.

About Eefke Bodt

I’m Eefke. Leadership coach.
My coaching practice is built on nearly 20 years of leadership experience in the manufacturing industry, from start-ups to multinationals across Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa. This allows me to truly understand the demanding work of leaders and teams.

My approach can be summed up as “down to earth.” Practical, realistic, and strategic—with tough questions, confronting reflections, and deep insights. Always with love and respect. Because insight alone won’t get you far.

Change is challenging, and that’s normal. It’s not about “fixing” things, repeating mantras, or pretending everything is love and light. It’s about working practically, honestly, and strategically with what’s really happening—without fluff or superficial positivity.

Meer over leiderschap ontwikkeling

Want to know more? Neem dan gerust contact op voor het inplannen van een kennismakingsgesprek. Of maak gebruik van het online spreekuur, om dieper in te gaan op jouw/jullie situatie en te onderzoeken hoe ik jou en/of je team verder zou kunnen helpen. Wees gerust, er zitten geen hele trajecten aan vast. Het gaat om wat jij wilt en wat er nodig is voor jouw/jullie specifieke situatie.

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